Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Doubblle Letterrs

I have expressed before my frustration with what I feel is an abundance of superfluous double letters in the English language.

No estan utilizados otros idiomas. ¿Por qué en inglés?

This frustration is compounded when I work with and correct spreadsheet data from a coworker who uses double letters effusively. Two of the most annoying instances:
hemophillia and
possitive home pregnancy test.



nmh1123 said...

I SO remember struggling with my world geog students...It's Philippines NOT Phillipines or Phillippians ....or is it???

Marisa said...

And I STILL remember how to spell "Philippines". But I do have trouble with Cinn- Cincinn- Cincinnatt-- ... that city in Ohio.

Marisa said...

Oh damn! I meant:
no estan utilizados *en* otras idiomas

Marisa said...

otr*o*s idiomas

monica said...

Funny enough, my word verification word has a double letter! (zzgior)