Monday, June 25, 2007

Muttering 229

I haven't done one of these for awhile. I'm having difficulty finding inspiration lately. Any advice?

1. Compulsion
2. Spiritual
3. Spray
4. Compatibility
5. Pursuit
6. Fake
7. Mobile
8. Ceremony
9. Ribbons
10. Mozart

1. Compulsion - propulsion
2. Spiritual - journey
3. Spray - air
4. Compatibility - profile
5. Pursuit - of Happyness (why haven't I seen this movie yet?)
6. Fake - mustache
7. Mobile - phone
8. Ceremony - burial
9. Ribbons - knots
10. Mozart - requiem

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

Yay, Royals!

My softball team played our first games yesterday - a double header.
We lost the first game 4-2, but won the second 10-1. Yay!!

I played second base, and did OK.
Offensively, I got to base all three times I was up to bat, but two of those times I was walked.

It was a great day to be outside, and I had a lot of fun!
Thanks, mom and dad, for coming out! (And for the post-game ice cream!) :)

Friday, June 01, 2007

Three Word Answers

1. Where is your cell phone?
Charging beside me

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
telephone. pencil. wheel.

3. Hair?
growing, growing, gone

4. Your mother?
wise, beautiful, supportive

5. Your father?
wise, funny, strong

6. Your favorite item(s)?
bed, fresh air

7. Your dream last night?
bookstore then theatre

8. Your favorite drink?
What’s the occasion?

9. Your dream guy/girl?
tolerant, funny, relaxed

10. The room you are in?
infectious disease lab

11. Your fear?
changes pretty often

12. What do you want to be in 10 years?
a decade wiser

13. Who did you hang out with last night?
Softball team, Becca

14. What are you not?
skinny, Hawaiian, avocado

15. Are you in love?
with myself? Yes!

16. One of your wish list items?
trip to beach

17. What time is it?
eleven seventeen, yo

18. The last thing you did?
scratched my foot

19. What are you wearing?
slacks, shirt, jacket

20. Your favorite book?
The Enchanted Wood

21. The last thing you ate?
bowl of cereal

22. Your life?
often in transition

23. Your mood?
ebbs and flows

24. Your friends?
loyal, low key

25. What are you thinking about right now?
need to pee

26. Your car?
not really mine

27. What are you doing at this moment?
this meme – duh!

28. Your summer?
Missouri bike trip?

29. Your relationship status?
I have relationships.

30. What is on your TV screen?
Could be anything

31. When is the last time you laughed?
probably at Blake

32. Last time you cried?
grocery store Wednesday

33. School?
writing personal statement

34. Why did this end so abruptly?
That was abrupt?