Friday, July 13, 2007

Monica's Pop Quiz

What do WE have in common with Harry Potter?
We all wear glasses.
We all sported the bowl haircut with too-long bangs as pre-teens.

Hmmm, too difficult? OK, try this: Name the 3 houses (ala Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin) of St. Winifred's School. Extra credit: What were their colors? Extra extra credit: Which one did we belong to?
Burton - pink
Sealy - green
Innis - blue

[I think that the extra credit and extra extra credit questions should be reversed. I easily remembered that we were in Burton, which was pink. But I have trouble coming up with the others. Also, I really think there were four houses. There were four colors for the primary school uniforms - pink, green, yellow and blue. Aren't there also four houses at Hogwarts? I'm gonna look that one up - its not cheating...
... Yes, there are! You forgot Hufflepuff!]

I'm adding a fourth Winifred's house guess:
Willahamena - yellow

Do you remember how our house leader - I can't remember her name now, but she was old and wrinkly and she wore mu-mus - called my name? Mah-ree-sah Bah-reeeng-ton.

One of the things I like about Harry Potter is reminiscing about St. Winifred's. The prefects, the houses, the creepy portraits in the assembly hall with eyes that followed you. I remember that Burton house pretty much sucked at sports, but was heavy on the brainiacs. Like Monica. Monica won, like, fifty points for the house, and a white bicycle (which was later handed down to me) for an essay she wrote. I think it was published in the newspaper or something. I was jealous.

Friday, July 06, 2007

All About Me!

All About Me Survey

I AmAn Arms Dealer
I Wantto be in a hammock on a beach
I Havetwo ears
I WishI was on vacation
I Hateless than I love
I Fearregret
I Hearmusic
I Searchpeople's eyes
I WonderWho Wrote The Book Of Love?
I Regretsome things
I Lovemany
I Achesympathetically
I Alwayspersevere
I Usuallygive
I Am Nota mushroom
I Dancewhen no one's watching
I Singoften
I Neversay never
I Rarelylack compassion
I Cryat inopportune times
I Am Not Alwayshappy
I Losesunglasses
I'm Confusedby people
I Needfresh air and sunlight
I Shouldgo to the beach

Take This Survey at

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fourth Festivities

I watched the DC fireworks with Mom and Dad from the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington yesterday. It was a really great vantage point.
While playing catch, Dad and I saw EMS guys on bicycles. Pretty clever - although I'd hate to be the guy stuck carrying the oxygen tank.
I think its great that so many people came out: families, couples, singles, groups of friends. There's an amazing feeling of solidarity that comes over you when you sit with a group of people and celebrate something together.

Oh yea - I also had, like, six bites of banana!
(I don't like it yet.)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Come, Mr. Tally-Man

I ate three whole bites of banana today! Mom said "two bites" but I got one whole extra bite down.
It wasn't great, but I didn't throw up, spontaneously combust, or die.
Maybe next time I'll make it to four!