Thursday, March 29, 2007


I have all these impedimenta floating around my existence like butterflies around a field of wildflowers. There are so many ... bland, colorful, teeny, large, mundane, exotic ... and every time I focus on one in an attempt to take control of it, it darts away, as others swoop in to block my ability to track its destination.

thoughts, plans, aspirations, unimportant but urgent minutia of daily living,

I'm not taking enough time for myself lately. I'm not seeking out and chasing down the things that are important to me. I haven't been being very good to my body, and its starting to wear on me. I'm embracing work, because it gives me an excuse to zone out and tabulate hard data. I'm accomplishing more, but feeling less consummate.

Monday, March 26, 2007

If Blake Jumped Off A Bridge

I joined Facebook.

My purpose of this wasn't specifically to annoy and harass Blake, but it is an added perk. Apparently, although blogging is dorky, Facebook-ing is "networking", and thus deemed a worthy use of time. I'm so glad that Blake is around to keep me educated. Who knows what kind of 21st century faux-pas I might commit if not for his patient guidance.

Here I am. If you find yourself on the jungle gym, swing by and play.

Friday, March 23, 2007

UM 214 & 215

A twofer!

1. Contribution ::
2. Ryan ::
3. Minimal ::
4. Cleansed ::
5. Centered ::
6. Arrow ::
7. Beyond ::
8. Execute ::
9. Intuition ::
10. Apology ::

1. San Francisco ::
2. Sadness ::
3. Spirits ::
4. Harriet ::
5. State ::
6. John ::
7. Offense ::
8. Timeless ::
9. Account ::
10. Refuse ::

1. Contribution :: 401(k)
2. Ryan :: C., my cousin
3. Minimal :: -ist
4. Cleansed :: baptised
5. Centered :: yoga
6. Arrow :: is a child, a parent is the bow that launches them
7. Beyond :: The Great -
8. Execute :: -tion
9. Intuition :: inner spirit
10. Apology :: insincere

1. San Francisco :: treat (ding, ding)
2. Sadness :: inconsolable
3. Spirits :: liquor
4. Harriet :: "Harriet! ... Harri-ette! ... Hard-hearted harbinger of haggis ..."
5. State :: of affairs
6. John :: 3.16
7. Offense :: basket
8. Timeless :: constant
9. Account :: narrative
10. Refuse :: trash

Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm Afraid. Very Afraid.

Outlook Calendar request sent to me by Executive Assistant today at 1.14 pm:
Meeting - Marisa and CEO
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
9:00am - 10:00am
(accept), (decline), or (reschedule)?

I, moments later:

I, in e-mail to CEO, 2.14 pm:
Do I get any foresight on the subject of tomorrow's meeting?
What should I bring with me?

CEO, in reply e-mail, 2.54pm:
Just yourself. It will be great fun.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Spring Forward

I don't know exactly why, but I'm really looking forward to daylight savings this year. I love the idea getting home from work before its dark outside. I'm done with winter. The dusting of snow today, though pretty, does nothing for me.

As a child, living in warm climates, I was always jealous of the "American" kids who got winter. They owned coats, wore mittens, made snow angels, drank steamy hot chocolate through chapped lips while sniffling their runny noses and beaming their rosy cheeks. Now, I reminisce with fondness about Christmases celebrated in shorts, school uniforms that didn't have a long-sleeved option, and getting out of the shower without having to slather on petroleum-grade moisturizer.

I should move to southern California.
Or maybe just get into and finish grad school, and find some company to send me to a warm climate abroad.

Monday, March 05, 2007


I may or may not keep up with this, depending on how inspirational I find the topics.

What does the color pink make you think of?
Sorority girls

Name something you thought you had lost, but later found.
The diamond earrings that I bought myself

In 3 words, describe this past week.
Better than last

Main Course
What are you obsessed with?

What kind of perfume or cologne do you like to wear?
Sensi, Giorgio Armani
Black, Kenneth Cole
Japanese Cherry Blossom, Bath & Body Works

Friday, March 02, 2007

Mutterings 212

(A palindrome!) (... again)

1. Soldier ::
2. Lipton ::
3. Reason ::
4. Terms ::
5. Positive ::
6. Example ::
7. Legacy ::
8. Solo ::
9. Instrument ::
10. Later ::

I'm not really digging the words this week, but I've got to do something to keep me at my desk, or I think I might just explode out of my chair and frolic playfully in the gorgeous weather outside.

1. Soldier :: plastic toy
2. Lipton :: tea bag
3. Reason :: or rhyme
4. Terms :: of the contract
5. Positive :: ion
6. Example :: set an
7. Legacy :: children
8. Solo :: musical
9. Instrument :: of death
10. Later ::