I have all these impedimenta floating around my existence like butterflies around a field of wildflowers. There are so many ... bland, colorful, teeny, large, mundane, exotic ... and every time I focus on one in an attempt to take control of it, it darts away, as others swoop in to block my ability to track its destination.
thoughts, plans, aspirations, unimportant but urgent minutia of daily living,
I'm not taking enough time for myself lately. I'm not seeking out and chasing down the things that are important to me. I haven't been being very good to my body, and its starting to wear on me. I'm embracing work, because it gives me an excuse to zone out and tabulate hard data. I'm accomplishing more, but feeling less consummate.
thoughts, plans, aspirations, unimportant but urgent minutia of daily living,
I'm not taking enough time for myself lately. I'm not seeking out and chasing down the things that are important to me. I haven't been being very good to my body, and its starting to wear on me. I'm embracing work, because it gives me an excuse to zone out and tabulate hard data. I'm accomplishing more, but feeling less consummate.

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