Tuesday, December 19, 2006

UM 202

(a palindrome!)

Hardball ::
Sleepless ::
Graduation ::
Presents ::
Toe ::
Lotion ::
Snicker ::
Eve ::
Investment ::
Pain ::

Hardball :: financial negotiations
Sleepless :: in Seattle
Graduation :: cap and tassel
Presents :: ribbons and bows
Toe :: stub
Lotion :: "it rubs the lotion on its skin ... "
Snicker :: -s candy bar
Eve :: Adam
Investment :: portfolio
Pain :: broken heart

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Oh, Say! Can You See?

The overcast skies in the DC area today are supposed to continue through the night, but hopefully people in other areas will be able to see the meteor shower.

Its been a fantasy of mine to lay in a wide open, secluded place with no artificial light and watch a meteor shower. I imagine myself in a desert or maybe on a beach. I'm laying on blankets or a sleeping bag, and a special person is there with me. We have wine and snacks. The air is cool, and our embraces are warm.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I *heart* KMA

Today's Super Awesome Award for Making Me Smile Out Of The Blue goes to ........


Not only did she propose marriage to me, she called me "boobalicious" and threw in a reference to Flava of Love.
... All in the same day!!!

She rocks!

I don't know anyone else who would have accepted my challenge to a dessert-eating contest at the end of a working lunch in front of all our co-workers.
AND she's a Scorpio. And even has an awesome t-shirt that announces her as such.
In some ways, we are kindred spirits.
Except I don't have the t-shirt.

If we should ever again meet in person, my friend, I'm totally taking you out on a date. Stupid amounts of chocolate and ice cream and high-caloric, low-nutritive food will be involved.
Stupid, I tell you.
I know the way to your heart.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Gender and the F-Bomb

I just came from a 30 minute meeting that started two hours ago.

My team is facing an accuracy-vs-timeliness dilemma. Data has been so sloppy for so long that, we have come to realize, it will take much longer than is practical for us to make everything perfect. So we're faced with making the data good enough quickly enough for us to actually benefit from it.

Understandably, CEO is unhappy to be told this.
"I'd better start brushing up my resume because I'm about to get fired. I've always known you assholes would cost me my job. And I'm not happy about it."

He used the a word, many derivatives of shit, and a few sonuvabitch-es without batting an eye. However, when he let an f-bomb slip, he genuinely apologized to K and I, the females in the room; mostly to me, as everyone who has had the pleasure of conversing with K for longer than five minutes has been subject to her prolific usage of the word. Not only did CEO apologize, he begged my forgiveness and did not sit down until I granted it.

When he left the meeting, he exited the room, turned around in the hallway, re-entered and addressed me, "I'm really sorry for my potty mouth earlier."

Why is it such a violation of social and professional graces to utter this word in mixed company, but less inappropriate to do so when interacting with men only?
Does it have anything to do with boobs?
long hair?
repressed issues of maternal psychopathology?

Friday, December 01, 2006

Mutterings 199

No snappy intro, just the down and dirty...

rhyme ::
substantial ::

rhyme :: the seven seas of
substantial :: massive
instant :: breakfast (♪ Carnation instant breakfaaaaaast! Youregonnaloveitinaninstant!)
greed :: green
Brad :: Pitt (I'm so ashamed!)
season :: spice
accomplished :: resumé
invite :: disaster
sparkle :: eyes
rainbow :: leprechaun