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Hey, I have a pop quiz for you: what do WE have in common with Harry Potter? Hmmm, too difficult? OK, try this: Name the 3 houses (ala Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin) of St. Winifred's School.
Extra credit: What were their colors?
Extra extra credit: Which one did we belong to?
For some unknown reason, this popped into my head last night, and I spent most of the night trying to remember the house names instead of sleeping. But I did it in the end!
P.S. No cheating.
Coolness! A pop quiz!
I'm'a workin on this...
P.S. I do know there were four houses at Hogwarts. I left out Hufflepuff for some reason. Oops.
No fair!
That's part of the post I already started.
Before I spend any more sleepless nights on this, are you sure there are only 3 houses at St. Winifred's? I keep wanting to remember a 4th.
Wellllllllllll, I am pretty sure there are only 3 houses at St. Winnie's. Not 101% positive though.
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