Tuesday, February 27, 2007

51(ish) More Things

51. Whenever I need to take a cup or plate from a stack (a la buffet style), I almost always “cut the deck” and take one from the middle. Never do I take the top or bottom one.
52. It surprises me that I haven’t outgrown my appreciation for bathroom humor.
53. It also surprises me that I have outgrown my enthusiasm for snow and winter. That makes me feel old.
54. Thinking about raising a kid scares me.
55. I used to think that I wasn't good at making decisions, but I'm coming to realize that actually, in the important decisions that I've had to make, I've known the "right" course of action, it just took me a long time to have the self-confidence to follow my heart.
56. I'm afraid of thunderstorms. The lightning I don't mind so much, and sometimes find it quite lovely to watch, but I hate those claps of thunder that come suddenly, loudly, and out of nowhere. They make me wake up with a start in the middle of the night.
57. I started this list awhile ago, and I think its interesting that a few of these points have already come up in blog posts I've since written. It makes me think that there are some things that I have a need to express, and if I miss one chance to do so, they still come out one way or another.
58. I really hate the word noo-kyoo-ler.
59. I often pick up rocks, shells, and assorted debris I come upon on walks and hikes.
60. I can be quite sentimental about physical things. I closely tie memories and feelings to the objects. I think this might not be normal among people who move around as much as I do.
61. I think it kind of surprises me sometimes when I realize that I actually do like myself quite a bit. I think I'm a pretty cool person.
62. But I'm still generally self-conscious about my appearance. I guess my body image could be better.
63. I generally shun fast food, but I used to really go ga-ga for the McRib sandwich. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that.
64. I'm a certified scuba diver. The last dive I did was almost two years ago in a pretty disappointing quarry in the boonies of western Northern Virginia. The last good diving I did was over Christmas break 96/97. It makes me sad to realize that that was ten years ago. Its something that I really, really enjoy. Really.
65. I often have very vivid, sometimes disturbing dreams. I wish I could derive helpful meaning from them.
66. I believe I have seen, heard and felt supernatural presences.
67. I really enjoy amusement parks and roller coasters.
68. One of the worst sunburns I ever got was the weekend before my high school senior prom. I fell asleep with my hands behind my head and got pretty badly burned on my fish-belly white stomach and sub-mammary area. It gave me a pretty bad case of sun poisoning. And I couldn't wear a bra for about two weeks.
69. I have fainted only once. I was riding a bike and my front tire aligned exactly with a sewer grate in the road, causing it to fall in and the bike to flip. Coming to, I had the sensation that my alarm clock was going off, and I really didn't want to wake up. When I opened my eyes and saw the stars in the night sky, something registered as a bit odd.
70. The only time I've worn a cast was when I severely sprained/broke the four fingers of my left hand. The front tire of my bike got caught in a groove in the road and I wasn't able to maneuver out of it.
71. I do not currently own a road bike because riding on the skinny tires makes me feel a bit out of control.
72. I have never roller-bladed.
73. I enjoy acting in plays, but haven't done so since college. I keep thinking that I should get involved with a community theatre group.
74. I also enjoy singing, but am more comfortable doing so as part of a group than solo.
75. I don't like most condiments, including: mayonnaise, mustard, raw onions, pickles, tomatoes, sour cream, and salad dressing.
76. I have a sweet tooth.
77. I really like ethnic foods.
78. I also play with my food a lot. I don't realize how much I do this until I dine with someone and try to behave myself.
79. Its usually pretty easy to make me laugh.
80. I seek attention and take it very personally when I feel ignored.
81. I don't blush often, but when I do, I go all the way -- bright red! Last time I blushed was July last year. I made a really stupid and somewhat inconvenient mistake in front of someone I liked. The time before that was October two years ago. My coworkers took me out for lunch on my birthday, and they had the waiters sing me Happy Birthday, complete with straw sombrero and jiggly, single-candled flan.
82. I'm quite a good shot with a handgun and with a BB gun. I don't know why, but I'm proud of this.
83. I tend to be impetuous in thought and conservative in action.
84. "Fruit-on-the-bottom" yogurt grosses me out. It never mixes completely, and so you end up eating alternating spoonfuls of plain yogurt (ugh!) and ultra sweet gloppy-dairy-jam food product.
85. I pee in the ocean (often), (occasionally) in pools, and (sometimes) in the shower. But (almost) never if someone else is in the shower with me.
86. I enjoy coloring.
87. I wish I had room to set up my little keyboard so that it would be more convenient for me to play piano.
88. I have been in a: hurricane, tornado, flood, earthquake, fire.
89. I have never seen a glacier or a lava flow.
90. I have not seen most "classic" movies, including: The Godfather(s), Casablanca, Gone With the Wind, and Weekend at Bernie's.
91. I hate looking through a dusty computer or tv screen.
92. Dusting and vacuuming are probably my favorite household chores. I also like folding laundry - which I do quite well.
93. I learned how to fold laundry, including underwear, from watching our maid in El Salvador.
94. I don't fold my underwear anymore.
95. I think that people who haven't lived overseas get an inaccurate impression of my family if I mention that we had a maid.
95. I have an obnoxious/annoying streak.
97. Most people don't "get" me.
98. I'm not very comfortable wearing clothes that show a lot of skin. I think this is because I spent time in the middle east.
99. One of the hardest adjustments I had when I lived in Cairo was learning not to make eye contact with people. I generally look people in the eye and smile when I meet them or talk with them. This made local people very uncomfortable.
100. Wow! I got to -- and past -- 100. Guess that means I can delete some!
(this was #105 before I went back and censored myself.) :)
101. I like bread pudding. But I also think its kinda gross.


nmh1123 said...

WOW and double WOW WOW! I think it's pretty cool that you actually finished this list. Does this mean you tieing up other loose writing ends???

Marisa said...

D'ya think I can use my "101 Things" list as my personal statement on the grad school application?

nmh1123 said...


Anonymous said...

Is there ever such a thing as a convenient mistake?

Also, "Weekend at Bernie's", not quite as high on the 'classics' list as "Girls Just Want to Have Fun"

Marisa said...

Convenient mistake = serendipity.

Marisa said...

(I make those, too.)

monica said...

Your list of classic movies in #90 cracks me up. Sorry I didn't comment earlier, I've been sick. :(

monica said...

Also, I am ashamed to admit that it has been over A YEAR since I posted the first half of my list. And I have barely begun the second half.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what's up with bread pudding anyway. If it wasn't so slimy it might be ok.