2. Cabbage ::
3. Jazz ::
4. Darts ::
5. Poke ::
6. Bribe ::
7. Whale ::
8. Receipt ::
9. Answer ::
10. Dentist ::

1. Plaster :: of paris
2. Cabbage :: pH indicator
3. Jazz :: saxaphone
4. Darts :: bullseye
5. Poke :: -y little puppy
6. Bribe :: bakshish
7. Whale :: of a tale
8. Receipt :: of goods
9. Answer :: question
10. Dentist :: appointment (I really need to make one)

1. Plaster :: cast
2. Cabbage :: roll
3. Jazz :: hands
4. Darts :: board
5. Poke :: a hole
6. Bribe :: payoff
7. Whale :: watching
8. Receipt :: coupon (??)
9. Answer :: question
10. Dentist :: teeth
P.S. I like your answer for "poke" better than mine!
P.P.S. I didn't know that about cabbage!!! Tres weird, and cool.
1. Plaster :: ed
2. Cabbage :: kimchi
3. Jazz :: band
4. Darts :: mickey mouse
5. Poke :: pikachu
6. Bribe :: guards
7. Whale :: tail
8. Receipt :: credit
9. Answer :: me this
10. Dentist :: chair
I didn't like this selection as much as other words listed previously.
I don't pick 'em, I just post 'em.
(I had to re-write this comment bc I typo-ed the first time.)
Who knew one could enverbate the word "typo"?
Ha! I did it again!
I'm a verbizing machine!
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