Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday Five: Firsts

(Just for the record, I wrote a funny post yesterday, but Blogger ate it.)

1. What was your first job?
Off the books - babysitting in El Salvador.
That Uncle Sam took a cut of - Embassy summer hire in the Procurement Department at USAID/Cairo.
2. Do you remember your first crush?
Sam in 7th grade. We "dated" (which, in 7th grade, meant we regularly ate lunch sitting next to each other) until we were evacuated from the country. I saw him three years later. He was a jerk. I was disappointed.
3. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Get out of bed, duh!
Then pee.
4. What is your first memory?
I remember bits and pieces of staying at my grandparents' house for about a month when I was 3. My parents whisked me off to Nairobi shortly after I was born, so when we returned to the States, my grandparents were eager to interact with me. I think my parents drove the whole fam up to Missouri sometime around my birthday in October, and when they drove back to Virginia, I got to stay behind and hang out with grandma and grandad until Thanksgiving, when we were all getting together again. I remember "choring" with my grandad, who raised hogs at the time. I was a super big help. I got to thwack the huge boars on the butt to get 'em to go in the pen.
I also remember playing with infant-Blake in the Alexandria house. Mom would put him in his baby seat on top of the kitchen table after dinner, and I'd play peek-a-boo with him. He would chuckle and laugh a deep belly laugh.
I know I listed two memories, but I hate passing up a good opportunity to mention Blake in my posts.
5. Where is the first place you visited on the net today?
The uber-ridiculous electronic timesheet that my division started using to clock our attendance. CEO got sick of people complaining that "so-and-so is always late" or "that person always leaves early" so he's making us do this now. So stupid!! Obviously, the people who were complaining didn't have siblings growing up. Anyone who did knows that trying to get other people in trouble often ends up biting you in the ass.

others are playing here

1 comment:

nmh1123 said...

Does Blake know you mention him in your blogs? Just for the record, G&G came out to visit us and while they were there Grandma asked if I would even think about letting you come home with them. I first said I didn't think so but then I thought about it and said why not. You drove back home with them right around your birthday and we all met up in Nashville for a family reunion Thanksgiving. Grandma said they got about 3 hours down the road and you told her you missed me and thought you wanted to go back home. She was sitting in the back seat with you and told you to just lay your head down on her lap and take a nap. You did. And when you woke up you grinned really big and told her you didn't think you needed your mama after all. Aw...isn't that sweet!