Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Life According to Google

I've seen this idea on some other people's blogs, and am searching for meaning in my life today, so I decided to visit the Oracle of Google hoping to gain knowledge. Enter "[your name] [some verb]" (ie: "Marisa wants", "Marisa likes") and search. Here are my favorites:

*Marisa likes toaster pastries and music. [Who doesn't?]
*Marisa likes red wine and white cowboys. [but not pink boys that whine]
*Marisa likes having power! [it gets spooky at night when the lights go out]
*Marisa will see if the department will fund us a dry erase calendar. [I do what I can]
*Marisa will meet Cesar, a man who will disappoint her. [et tu, Brute?]
*Marisa needs to tell him what really happened. [trust me, its better if he doesn't know]
*Marisa needs to come down to San Diego more. [agreed]
*Marisa needs prescription medication everyday. [the white ones silence the voices in my head; the red ones are for constipation]
*Marisa is amazing! [yea, but I try not to let it go to my head!]
*Marisa is a popular aquarium snail. [I think we already covered this in a previous post]
*Marisa is correct, but Marisa is also a pig. [meh! I'm rubber, you're glue...]
*Marisa has made it her mission to break down the walls of silence.[take *that*, silence!]
*Marisa has answers. [questions, anyone?]
*Marisa has one younger brother, Adam. [actually, his name is Blake. And he doesn't like being blogged about. Blake, Blake, Blake.]


monica said...

Heeeee! Nice responses to the predictions of the Oracle. I am going to consult the Oracle myself very very soon. Maybe Zoe will too! Oh, and BLAKE!

Spinning Girl said...

Ha ha!
I am sooo playing this game.

Marisa said...

First of all, quit stomping around in lime Jell-O! I *know* it feels nice and squishy between your bifurcated hooves, but you really must find another form of relief. Perhaps a soak in a warm tub of epsom salt? That takes care of prevention. As for cure, I recommend cleaning your hooves with a 2:1 diluted bleach solution, and then rubbing on "Hoof & Nail Revitalizing Cream" which is available in most stores. Or you could just go to the Yak Spa and get a pedicure. Metro-sexual is IN, Harry!

Danikabur said...

You should do the google images one. That one was fun too... I wasn't in the mood to do this one... it would have been boring.

I love the comments you made.

LBseahag said...

yer funny...i found you through spinning girl and baby jewels...


Spinning Girl said...

I like toaster pastries.

Rowan said...

I tried this, but my answers were stupid....oh well....I'magonna have a look around here, m'kay?

Marissa said...

Um, so I was also doing this game with MY name, "Marissa needs..." and found this entry on the first page of Google. Wow - You Google star, you!!

babyjewels said...

The white ones are for the voices. Crap, I've been taken those for the rash. No wonder.

Neon said...

Hey, thats a real cool idea!! Google here I come. thanks for stopping by my page: 'Fear and Loathing in the Midlands', come visit again soon