Sunday, October 23, 2005


One (1) intellect.
Fatigue? Apathy? Melancholy? Stupidity? I just can't seem to throw words together into a coherent sentence lately.

So if anyone should happen to see my creative genius wandering the streets unattended, would they kindly tell it that I miss it very much and direct it back here? Its really not used to being out on its own. I *shudder* to think what it might do if left to its own devices, unchaperoned by its trusty companions logic and maturity.

Funny thing is, I feel it swirling around my insides, taunting me. Just out of my grasp, stir crazy of sorts, ready to beat down the door of my body in order to get out and be expressed. (Much like the Huskies do when they miss a couple walks, now that I think about it!) It sits, poised, ready to strike, its muscles' twitching with anticipation. But I sit down to write/think/read/play music/even do yoga (!) and suddenly and without explanation, nothing happens. Its in there, I just can't get it to come out. Y'think they make a creativity Ex-Lax?


monica said...

Don't have an answer to your Q, but I can sympathize. Not that that helps you.

Also, I have returned from Texas to find that your popularity is skyrocketing. I'm impressed!

Rowan said...

I just shake my sillies everytime, but then I get tired and must sleep

nmh1123 said...

Hey, I left a comment and it didn't get entered. NO FAIR!

nmh1123 said...

And now I can't remember the profound and insightful comment I made.

nmh1123 said...

And I am really disconcerted by the fact that the first non-comment is timed at 4:10am and the SECOND one was timed at 3:11AM. UM, come on, I know daylight savings time and on all that but it's pretty eerie.

nmh1123 said...

AND now when I check the times, they've changed again. I knew Belgrade has issues but this is ridiculous!

Spinning Girl said...

a few days off works wonders, for me.