Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Extra bonus kudos to the bright soul who penned the above moniker for use as his vanity license plate. As I and (approximately) 82,874 of my closest friends faced the hellacious eight lanes of bidirectional traffic that is Northern Virginia's Interstate 66, I spotted this plate and smiled. I (almost) didn't even mind that the driver was shooting his car across two lanes of traffic without using a turn signal. There, in plain stamped metal, was the manifestation of a thousand thoughts: 66 SUCKS. Nice alliteration, to boot!


JR said...

Haha! That's funny. What isn't funny is those guys w/ christian fishy symbols on their cars that pull infront of me at then go 20 under the limit. But the licence plate, that could crack me up! :P

Marisa said...

What Would Jesus Do? Apparantly, Jesus would cut me off and flip me the bird. How rude!