1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
How poignant! His eyes watered every time he thought of it. He had it tucked in his bedroom drawer, but now he got it out and turned it over in his hands.
I finished this book over the weekend. I really enjoyed it. The author is Australian, and I really appreciated how his writing reflected a non-America-centric viewpoint. I also liked that the protagonist is a strong female. There are three main female characters, and when I finished the book, I found myself thinking about which character I was most like. I would like to think of myself as the strong, dedicated, f-the-rules--no-one-gets-in-my-way character. She was, however, very lonely. And she made a habit of disappointing some of the important people in her life. I think I would forfeit fortuitous strength if it meant being more emotionally and socially sound.
I really hope I am not the bitter, impulsive character who is convinced that everyone is out to cheat her out her due. This character developed throughout the storyline more than any other. She just became so... whiny/bitchy/convinced of her own superiority, so repulsive.
I suppose I am most like the character in the middle; the quiet, stable one. (Funny, I don't feel stable.) The one who sits on the sidelines and evaluates situations. The thinker. The change-your-own-little-corner-of-the-world-as-best-you-see-fit. I suppose, given the options, that I'm OK with that. I would like to become a little more strong and a little less meek, however. This character did end up with what she had wanted, but as sloppy seconds. I think this type of person spends (needless?) time waiting for what she wants to come around, instead of pushing harder or working more proactively to make it happen.
And that's all I have to say about that.
It was an interesting book. I had a little difficuly accepting the suppositions that the world in the book was built upon. He takes it to quite an extreme. It reminds me of a favored phrase of mine from a seperate book on strong corporations: "Check your premise".
oooh me likey! gonna try this, if i ever get around to updating my blog again...
You sound so intellectual. The last book I read was about a boy and his pet elephant.
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