I'm supposed to be productive for another hour and a half before the work week is through, but I'm afraid that I've already exceeded my quota for excellence for today. (Even without pooping!) I started a thrilling new spreadsheet yesterday with 1345 rows of data. I have currently analyzed up to row #93. Sigh.
I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep. Well, until a few hours before I had to get up. At that point, the sandman unleashed his magical essence upon me with the fury of a hamsin. I picked up my journal and transferred some of the random thoughts running around my brain onto paper. There are a couple cool poems in the making in there, if I take the time to refine them.
This has been a strange week.
Monica was in town for a conference, and I got hang out with her several times. She and Blake and I shared a yummy dinner last night, followed by dark chocolate mint ice cream with oreo cookies smashed in. Yum! At Flat Top, you label little wooden paddles with your name so that you know which plate is yours when they bring it back to the table (because it always looks different after its cooked up.) Only un-cool people (like Blake) put their mother-given name on the label. I mean, come ON, its your chance to really push the boundaries! I went with the moniker "Awesome Mouse", which the waitress misread Awesome Moose. That U didn't look anything like an O, either. Monica offered that perhaps the waitress thought I misspelled mousse, like the chocolate dessert. But I think she just had a thing for moose.
A friend of mine, Marianne, is not doing well. She's in a bad place right now. She'll get through it, but its hard for me to see her hurting.
My birthday is in FOUR DAYS! Mom, Monica, myself and Mother Nature are off the hook, but if your name doesn't begin with an M, you'd better get to shoppin'.
I have to work tomorrow. Boo!
My new favourite outdoor supply company is Moosejaw. They rock.
I'm going to carve a jack-o-lantern after work tomorrow. I'm sure it will be super-cool.
Blogger spell-check doesn't recognize the words "poop", "Oreo", or "Yum".
I did, however, misspell the words misspell and grammatically. Stupid superfluous double letters!
Although I know that it is grammatically correct to place the comma inside the quotation marks when used as in two points above, I have never liked the way it looks. So I don't do it unless I'm being graded on grammar. Damn the man!
I mentioned Blake three times in this post. This is funny because Blake thinks blogging is dorky, and he doesn't like to be blogged about.
I think I'm going to leave work early. Shh... don't tell.
I Pooped today!
Regarding the quotes... it depends on the culture. The Brits put their punctuation outside the quotes, the Americans put them inside. So you're grammatically correct, just not for us.
I think all future posts should mention Blake. And maybe also pooping.
You must be feeling super-anglicized these days, because not only did you use British-style punctuation with your quote marks, but you ALSO spelled "favorite" with a "u".
So how did the jack-o-lantern turn out?? Post some pics!
Happy birthday! I hope you get lots of treats.
I'm bummed that my pic of a hamsin isn't linking. Here's another if anyone wants to look it up:
It really is a fascinating thing to see.
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