Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Interview (for my fan club)

This post is credited to Justin...

Here are the rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1)Similar to the show "Quantum Leap", you are given a chance to jump back into your past, and change something you do. What do you change, and why?
When we were driving to Missouri the night we got the news that my grandfather died, I'd have sat in the back seat with my father. I'm not sure he would have necessarily wanted to talk or anything, but I could have held his hand or given him a hug, and made sure he knew that I was sad, too. Maybe I could have given him some comfort. I hope that he didn't feel alone.

2)You are placed in a small room. In this room, you are given everything you need to survive, but nothing to entertain you or occupy you. The only thing in this room is a red button. You are told that if you press this button, bad things will happen to other people. You belive the person who told you this. How long can you go without pushing the button?
I can't say that I'd feel a big draw to push the button. Not necessarily because I'm so incredibly altruistic; more because I can't see how pressing the button would really be a source of entertainment or occupation (since its not like I would be able to watch the outcomes.) It would be much harder for me if I had been told not to press the button, but not told why. Then I would have to fight the draw of my inquisitive curiosity. That being said, I'm pretty good at entertaining myself, so I think I could find ways to keep myself occupied, even without being given specific sources of entertainment. One can always find something to do if they are inventive enough.

3)What made you start blogging?
I think I was in need of a creative outlet. I enjoy writing, but don't really do it much. I like that I can post random musings and pearls of wisdom (I guess these are yet to come), and of course have the added benefit of letting people who know me keep updated with what's going on in my life.

4)When given "Truth or Dare" options, what makes you want to pick Dare over Truth?
I suppose I'd rather feel physically vulnerable or foolish than emotionally so.

5)What question were you really hoping I wouldn't ask? What was the answer to that question?
There really wasn't any one specific question that I feared. I was prepared to talk in circles around any question to which I didn't want to give a straight answer.

OK... your turn... leave me a comment to get your questions.


monica said...

Nice answers! And I like the concept. Not sure I really want to answer some of my own, but if I decide that I do, I'll comment again.

Marisa said...

you just felt sorry for me that i didn't have any comments yet :) i was about to post that maybe my fan club isn't quite as big as i thought it was!

JR said...

I still love the answers, but I keep coming back hoping for another post...I'm addicted to your blog, and I need my fix!

monica said...

I think Marisa's having some computer probs and won't be able to post for a bit... :( sorry to break the bad news!

JR said...

Oh no! Send her to a public library, she can use their computers to blog, right? Oh drat!

monica said...

In theory she could, but I think finding the time to go to the library could be difficult. Maybe she can sneak in a post or two from work? (Shame on me for even suggesting such a thing!)

JR said...

Yes, but be careful. Fritz just got fired from her job from posting at work... :( I want to see new posts, but I don't want her to loose her J-O-B...

Marisa said...

lye-bare-ree? what's that?!?