I'm off to bike the Katy Trail with mom and dad. I'm super-stoked!
I hope to keep a short journal and take some good pictures on the trek. If I'm successful, I'll post them upon my return.
I should have cleared away my crash demons with the minor vehicular collision I was involved in earlier this morning.
(Yup, I'm not kidding - why do people keep hitting me?!? I think my next car is going to be safety yellow fluorescent.)
Anyone up for a wager?
My yahoo email spam folder currently houses no messages - 5.47pm, EST, Monday, August 6th, 2007. How many messages will it contain at 3pm, EST, Friday, August 17th, 2007?
The person with the closest guess gets a Katy Trail t-shirt. Or a hat. Or maybe a sticker. A keychain? Magnet?
I haven't really come across much Katy Trail related merchandise in the Washington, D.C. suburbs. But I'm sure the commercialism of America won't let me down and there will be something available a little closer to the trail. I will pick up something special there. And if no one answers, I will keep the item. So you know it'll be something good enough that I'm willing to keep.
Be excellent to each other.
Hasta la vista!