Saturday, August 25, 2007

Brief Update

My sincerest apologies to all who are waiting with bated breath for my Katy Trail trip posts. Rest assured that I am working on them. As so often happens, work is getting in the way of all the things I would rather be doing. I've worked every single day since my return, including both days last weekend and this weekend.
I haven't even finished unpacking my suitcase (although I have reassembled my bike.)

So go ahead and breathe normally, but don't give up on me.
Love to all and thanks for checking up on me!


monica said...

This is easy to remedy. Just quit your job! Tralala! :)

ajanhelendam said...

I've never heard of the Katy Trail before, so I'm really curious to see these pictures.

It's not likely for me to ever go on one of these biking trips, so if you'd let me live vicariously through these aforementioned posts it would be greatly appreciated.

Marisa said...

hey warren!
thanks for leaving a comment! my goal is to get the posts up this weekend. here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

OK, but the suspense is killing me. At least you have your priorities right -- assemble the bike before unpacking!

Mayqueen said...

Looking forward to your pics. Must confess, I am waiting with bated breath for the number of messages in your spam inbox!