Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The wee small hours

Years and years from now, when younger generations ask what you were doing at 010203040506, what will you tell them?
Start planning now, so that 2 minutes and 3 seconds after 1am tonight/tomorrow morning, you'll be doing something noteworthy. And remember, if you can't be good, be good at it!


Anonymous said...

Do I really have to stay up?

Rowan said...

Gee, thought I was the only one that tended to think of silly things like this! hehe

monica said...

When I told Sean about this, he ruined all the fun by pointing out that this will happen again on May 4 using the European style of writing dates (month before day). And twice more (once for each date style) in the year 3006, and 4006, and 5006... (assuming we are still using the same calendar). Boo!

Anonymous said...

well, you can also think of something evil to do all day on 06/06/06 [in case you missed the 1 am alarm]