So I took this "quick and dirty" IQ test. Easy-peesy. Sixteen questions to determine my self-worth and gauge my value as a human being. The verdict? My logical reasoning skills are (gasp!) "below average"!
{{Long silence as she gives her readers time to recover from the shock of what they just read}}
The nerve! Just who do they think they're calling below average?!?
Wanna know a little secret, though? Just between us pals here and the rest of the internet community? I think it rather intrigues me that I can't get the test to tell me I'm perfect (tho I would settle for "pretty darn good"!) Why? I have three theories:
I feel the pull to win over entities that are not immediately attracted to me. I guess this is the same way a pet dog or cat will ignore all the people in the room who are calling for it, and instead make a bee-line for the person who is afraid of, allergic to, or just plain doesn't like pets. There is one caveat to this, though. I am not generally one to sacrifice blood sweat and tears without observing some kind of gain from my investment.
Rather Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance-y, I make as much or as little effort as it takes to earn a result that I deem desirable. When given an assignment, I may perform what I believe to be my best. But if the ramifications of that assignment are below the bar I have set for myself, I'm going to find it within myself to try again harder -- better than my best -- until I am able to achieve an acceptable outcome. Sometimes I end up surpassing the original bar; sometimes I have to lower the bar. It depends on who I have allowed to play Judge.
Perhaps the test is right on cue. After all is said and done, it hasn't exactly been logical for me to sit here and analyze this. But I do it because, after having justified the test result, I feel better. Ahh, yes, feelings - the arch nemesis of logic. "Meh!" on you, IQ test! I'm not Spock, man! Maybe I don't particularly feel like being logical today ... so there!! Phhhbbt! :P
Your IQ Is 135
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Genius
Don't feel too bad -- you did better than I did! I got 120. Logical = below average; verbal = genius; math = exceptional; general knowledge = above average. MEH on the IQ test! And I am a member of Mensa, so there!
update - i was able to get the score up to 140 (a half trunk full of dimes is worth more than a trunk full of nickels because dimes are smaller - duh!) i'm still below average tho!
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