Friday, May 19, 2006

I Want To Ride It Where I Like

Did everyone ride their bikes to work today?

Me neither. But I think its cool.

Hats off to those who did!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wow! An Update?!

Since I'm having trouble coming up with something to consciously share, I thought maybe I'd try letting my subconscious roam free...

You say...

  1. Immune ::
  2. Together ::
  3. Blank ::
  4. Professional ::
  5. Thousand ::
  6. Penetration ::
  7. Upside down ::
  8. Neck ::
  9. Unlisted ::
I think....

  1. Immune :: vaccine
  2. Together :: ...forever, and never to part
  3. Blank :: mind
  4. Professional :: masseuse
  5. Thousand ::, Space Odyssey
  6. Penetration :: sex
  7. Shutter :: heebie-jeebies (I know, that would be "shudder")
  8. Upside down :: cartwheel
  9. Neck :: kisses
  10. Unlisted :: phone number
So, anyone want to offer insight on what exactly I'm revealing here?
Or have the guts to post their associations?

O yea, and I'm supposed to give credit to